second round in paris

My second trip to Paris was very exciting. We went non-stop the entire time going to museums and site visits and just walking around the city.
As a disclaimer, the wordpress editor does not want to separate my pictures when I try to put space in between them, which is why everything is going to be a little close this time. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt, its a very fickle thing this wordpress editor. Anyways, on to the photos…..
Our first stop was Prell. They are a 5th generation weaving company.
They created the fabrics used in the Marie Antoinette movie from the original fabrics in their archives. All of the fabrics they produce now come from their archives. Their current exhibition is their Art Nouveau fabrics.
The Pompidu Center was having an Alberto Giacometti exhibit, one of my favorite artists.
He mostly used plaster but his figures look like they have been rusted.
Giacometti used his studio walls to work out his ideas. They are like pages from his sketchbook, he would draw and write all over the plaster walls. After he died, his studio landlord wouldnt renew the lease, so his wife had the walls removed so they could be preserved.
We also went to the Christian Lacroix exhibit at the Louvre. They had his pieces separated by color and pattern. My favorites were the Blancs.
The Greens.
Polka dot dress with lace.
A Paris metro station with beautiful painted graffiti on the walls.
Thats me freezing my tush off in front of Notre Dame.
Prayer candles inside Notre Dame. We happened to be there during mass so we sat for a little while and took communion. It was a very nice experience.
We went to Li Edelkoort, which is a trend forecasting studio. I wasnt allowed to take photos in the studio, so I took one in the bathroom. I liked the trough sink. We watched a presentation on trends and color forecasting for summer 2009. The studio and the trend books were amazing, I wish I couldve photographed them to show you.
A Paris street.
My feet on a Paris street.
After the rain, the trees had so many gorgeous colors.
On our last day we went to an antiques market. I got scolded a few times for taking photos. Oh well.
I couldnt read what the letters said, but I imagined them to be old love letters.
A suitcase full of buttons.
This was the sink in the Avignon train station. The left nozzle is the automatic soap dispenser, the middle is the automatic sink, and the right is the automatic hand dryer. Genius.

1 comment so far

  1. mom on

    Yeah!!! More pictures!!! I loved them and your comments – some very funny!

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